Welcome to BoomVista.
This site – this developing community – is for those of us on the leading edge of the baby boom.
Folks who were born between 1946 and 1964. Folks who are changing course – moving from one career to another or to early retirement. Folks entering the third third.
Folks who wake up in the morning, climb out of bed and think: "Hey, who snuck in here last night and poured rust into my knees?" Folks whose kids are married or almost married yet still call on Sunday morning, as they were trained, but immediately and thriftily say, “Can you call me back?” Folks who remember movies with plots, radio stations that didn’t assault listeners with inanities or profanities, songs with lyrics ("Yummy, yummy, yummy, I’ve got love in my…" Hmm. Never mind about the last one. It may need a little more thought).
Folks who grew up thinking that 60 was really, really old – and it was, back then. Folks who moved through adulthood determined not to let it pass quickly or unnoticed and now look back and think, "Wow, where’d it go?" Folks who are still searching and will never stop searching.
Among us: David Bowie. Nolan Ryan. Farrah Fawcett. Dan Quayle. Rob Reiner. Carole Bayer Sager. Billy Crystal. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Dave Barry. David Letterman. O.J. Simpson. The late Jessica Savitch. You’d be amazed by some of the others, by the abundance of famed and accomplished people, all born in 1947 alone.
Only because it seems relevant here, my mini-story: Also born in 1947. Raised in Brooklyn, N.Y.; moved away a long time ago. Married, with one grown child. Reporter for a major metropolitan newspaper for longer than I care to remember. (Newspapers – remember them? Rather quaint things they were are.) Served as a business writer, foreign and national correspondent, and so on and so forth.
But this is not intended to be the Internet version of a vanity, “it’s-all-about-me” ego trip. My experiences are no more important or insightful than yours. But taken together, our experiences are worthy of note, especially those experiences that remain ahead.
So, here we are. On the brink of 60 or already just over it or able to imagine it out there a bit over the horizon. Imagine that. How the hell did that happen?
Let’s share the journey. Let’s row together as we navigate these new shoals of life. Let’s try to figure it out.
What we’re looking for is an answer. More likely, a series of answers.
The question: So, what do we do now that we’re almost sort of kinda grown up?